Reliant® is a phosphite-based fungicide with a low salt index. Reliant contains no sodium, ammonium, or aluminum co-products that can harm your plants or the environment. Highly systemic, Reliant® quickly and fully translocates to all parts of the plant. This powerful foliar fungicide controls multiple diseases on multiple crops. Highly flexible to use, Reliant® is a fit for most operations.
Active Ingredients:
Mono- and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid*.: 45.8%
Other Ingredients: 54.2%
Total: 100.0%
*Contains 5.17 lbs/gallon of the active ingredients mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorus acid. Equivalent to 3.35 lbs of Phosphorous Acid/gallon.
Please see the product label for the recommended application rates and methods.
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