SILICA X-TREME® is a soluble form of Potassium Silicate, providing the plant a 100% available source of silicon and potassium that are essential for optimum plant growth and health. Potassium Silicate strengthens the plant’s internal processes and external defenses. SILICA X-TREME® low salt index makes it extremely safe for all crops including sensitive crops.
Silica (SiO2):20%
Potassium (K2O): 8%
Derived from Potassium Silicate
Ground Applications: Apply 2-4 pints/acre in sufficient water for thorough spray coverage.
Aerial Applications: Apply 2-4 pints/acre in minimum of 5 gal of water/acre.
Soil Applications: May be made pre-plant, side dress or in irrigation at 4-8 pints/acre.
Irrigation: (Sprinkler, Drip, Pivot): Apply 4-8 pints/treated acre through irrigation system.
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