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CAL-MAG 5-0-0

CAL-MAG 5-0-0 is a supplemental nitrogen fertilizer containing calcium and magnesium.

Features & Benefits

TURF EXCELLENCE™ CAL-MAG 5-0-0 is a supplemental nitrogen fertilizer containing calcium and magnesium. TURF EXCELLENCE™ CAL-MAG 5-0-0 is designed with nitrate forms of nutrients for rapid foliar and root uptake.

Principle Functioning Agents

Total Nitrogen (N): 5.0%
5.0% Nitrate Nitrogen

Calcium (Ca): 7.0%

Magnesium (Mg):  1.7%
1.7% Water Soluble Magnesium

Derived from: calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate

Product Documents

Recommended Rates​

GREENS and TEES: Apply 2 to 4 ounces per 1000 square feet as needed for maintenance in a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Applications can be made every 7 to 14 days as needed for desired results. FAIRWAYS, SPORTS TURF AND LAWNS: Apply 1 to 2 gallons per acre every 14 – 28 days.

ORNAMENTAL, NURSERY, AND GREENHOUSE: Apply 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons of water every 30 days as needed.

FRUITS, NUTS AND VINE CROPS (Apples, Citrus, Grapes, Peaches, etc.): Apply 1 to 3 quarts per acre beginning at pre-bloom and repeat applications every 7 to 14 days through early fruit development.

SMALL FRUITS: (Blackberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries) Apply 2 to 6 quarts per acre every 10 to 14 days starting before bloom
