TURF EXCELLENCE™ KELP 4-0-0 is a source of supplemental nitrogen with complexed micronutrients and kelp extracts. TURF EXCELLENCE™ KELP 4-0-0 contains 15% ascophylum nodosum extracts, which have been demonstrated to enhance the growth of turfgrass systems under stress conditions.
Total Nitrogen (N): 4.0%
4.0% Urea Nitrogen (N)
Magnesium (Mg): 0.5%
Iron (Fe): 2.0%
2.0% Water Soluble Iron
Manganese (Mn): 0.6%
0.6% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)
Zinc (Zn): 0.2%
0.2% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
Derived from: urea, ferrous sulfate, magnesium sulfate, iron sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, ascophylum nodosum
TURFGRASS: Apply 2 to 8 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. with sufficient water for coverage 3 to 5 times per growing season. Do not exceed 5 fluid ounces. per 1,000 square feet w/ Bentgrass. When the tank is mixed with amine herbicides, a spray volume is greater than 2 gal. per 1,000 sq. ft. is recommended. When temperatures exceed 90 degrees, do not apply more than 3 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft to centipedegrass if combined with other inputs. For Bermudagrass, apply 4 to 10 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. with sufficient water for coverage 3 to 5 times per growing season.
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND TREES: Apply 1 – 2 quarts per 100 gallons of water for foliar sprays. Apply 2 to 5 ounces per gallon as a soil drench. Repeat applications as needed. SOIL DRENCH: 4 to 8 ounces per gallon of water. Thoroughly drench soil around the area.
FRUITS, NUTS, AND VINE CROPS (Apples, Citrus, Grapes, Peaches, etc.): Apply 1 gallon per acre in sufficient water for thorough coverage.
Repeat applications as needed up to five times throughout the year.
SMALL FRUITS (Blackberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries): Apply 1 to 2 quarts per acre after transplanting or bloom. Reapply every 14 days as needed.
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